<img src="https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000-c0a8-0242-efcd-08dcb27cde2f_cx0_cy5_cw0_w250_r1.jpg" alt="FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, speaks to ...
VPN позволяет устанавливать прямую линию связи между двумя компьютерами, недоступную другим пользователям. В идеальной ситуации вы могли бы ...
Welcome to VOA.com, a showcase for The Voice of America, the largest U.S. international broadcaster. Below you will find the latest headlines from VOA's 48 language services, which publish hundreds of ...
The 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York destroyed much more than the landmark Twin Towers of the city’s World Trade Center. A total of 10 buildings, including all seven of the WTC complex, and the ...
While the United States has a long history of accepting immigrants from around the world fleeing persecution and war, the term “refugee” wasn’t defined until the mid-20th century following the massive ...
ترکيه اخيرا توئيتر را ممنوع اعلام کرده بود. استفاده از دی.ان.اس شرکت گوگل برای دور زدن اين ممنوعيت، توجه‌ها را به ابزار رايگان و نسبتا ساده ...
Dalam wawancara ekslusif dengan VOA, pendiri JUBI, Victor Mambor mengaku, “Saya kalau ditanya ‘mau merdeka?’ Saya mau merdeka. Tapi kan itu tidak perlu untuk jadi OPM kan? Karena saya lihat selama ...
赤潮也称“红色幽灵”,指特定环境条件下,海水中某些浮游植物、原生动物或细菌爆发性增殖或高度聚集,引起水体变色的一种有害生态现象。 从人身攻击,到网络威胁,从海外警察站到骚扰 ...
Eric stumbles back onto the street, while Kelly struggles on methadone. With addicts evicted from under all Kensington's bridges, Britt reflects on the neighborhood's future.
It was just a regular run to the store with his children. With his youngest in the cart, Jésus Humberto González focused on what he needed to buy. It was just a regular run to the store with his ...
The ups and downs of the one-state, two-state and three-state proposals to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Beginning in the 20th century, the international community faced the question of how ...
Dhaka, Bangladesh Since childhood, Mahi dreamed of being an actress. But by 11, over her vehement objections, she was betrothed to someone she had never met. Six months after the marriage, she signed ...