Older adults who didn't have enough savings to cover emergency expenses during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
“Our study puts a spotlight on the potential dangers of credit card debt and how it can be directly linked to loneliness in ...
Loneliness, social isolation and living alone are significant risk factors for mortality, particularly in older adults, according to the results of a new study.
Our study puts a spotlight on the potential dangers of credit card debt and how it can be directly linked to loneliness in older adults." Cäzilia Loibl, co-author of the study and professor and ...
A new study published in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that feeling lonely can be a significant predictor of how well our ...
A lack of savings during the months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit caused many older adults to experience more intense loneliness compared to those who had money available to cover a hypothetical ...
“Our study puts a spotlight on the potential dangers of credit card debt and how it can be directly linked to loneliness in older adults,” said Cäzilia Loibl, co-author of the study and ...