“Our Hearts Beat as One” was co-written by Lummi tribal member Tah-Mahs Ellie Kinley, president of Sacred Lands Conservancy ...
MIAMI: More than 50 years after the orca known as Lolita was captured for public display, plans are in place to return her from the Miami Seaquarium to her home waters in the Pacific Northwest ...
A social media campaign by activists has brought the 4-ton orca a following far beyond what might usually be expected at his ...
Following hours of a rescue effort, a young orca died after it was found on the shores of a California state park. The cause ...
A juvenile orca that beached itself at Carmel River State Beach died while being transported to Long Marine Lab in Santa Cruz."The animal is stressed. She is vocalizing. We haven't seen any ...
Last October several activist groups, including Marine Animal Rights, filed an injunction in court aimed at stopping the orca shows and forcing Mundo Marino to return Kshamenk to the wild.
Footage shows the 5-year-old mixed lab/retriever reacting to several Eastern Tropical Pacific killer whales swimming near the boat.
The heartbreaking footage shows the isolated killer whale trapped in a tiny pool at the Mundo Marino, Argentina’s largest aquarium. A 24-hour time-lapse video filmed by non-profit organisation ...
THE SUN joined the specialist Orca team searching for fearsome killer whale White Gladis and her gang in the choppy waters off Gibraltar. We met the squad of Sea Shepherd France in the port of ...