“We have to help developing countries to achieve debt sustainability, through coordinated policies which should finance debt and reschedule debt” Pope ... Francis has made countering global ...
Charities including Cafod, Sciaf and Christian Aid lobbied for international debt relief outside the UK Treasury in London on ...
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Thursday called on wealthy ... who has repeatedly called for debt relief for the poorer southern hemisphere. The pope has underlined the Jubilee Year as ...
The Pope also called for initiatives for peace ... the lonely, the dying," said Francis. The faithful should entrust the new year to the Mother of God and hope for God's consolation.
Pope Francis on Wednesday called for a global commitment to eradicate child labor, saying injustices committed against “the invisible little ones” are a gross violation against God’s ...
A consortium of charities are today warning that that high debt servicing costs are preventing Global South governments from spending on vital public services such as education and health and making ...
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Thursday called on wealthy countries and institutions to substantially reduce if not outright cancel debt as a matter of justice on the occasion of the Vatican's ...