Naval vessels are staffed by some of the most courageous people in uniform you’ll ever meet. This was doubly true ...
The USS Enterprise was America’s most decorated ship in WWII. An aircraft carrier, the Enterprise, shot down 911 enemy aircraft and sank 71 ships. It also damaged or destroyed another 192 ships ...
“ By the afternoon, only one Japanese carrier remained: Hiryū. It’s believed Best’s bomb was one of four to strike the vessel, making him the first pilot to successfully bomb two Japanese aircraft ...
The aircraft would be modified after the conflict as the Gloster Meteor F.4, which would become the first jet aircraft to be ...
There must be something in Mary Waddington’s genes. The longtime Michigan Avenue resident will turn 100 years old on Monday and she’s not the only one in her family who has reached the milestone. Her ...
Currently, Chicago O'Hare International Airport operates as the fourth busiest in the United States and the 5th most ...
The U.S. Navy has used standard naming conventions for its ships and sumbarines since it was established in 1775, but who ...
Okinawa, Japan, the next year. The U.S. built 24 Essex-class carriers during World War II (an average of one every two months ...